'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Back (take a look at me and you'll see I'm for real)

So I'm already thru with going to the chiropractor. He had me scheduled to come until June!! and each appointment was 20 bucks! I was like yaaa I'm not in that much pain and just decided to tough it out. I actually haven't had much pain at all so maybe he helped? But enough was enough. Yesterday was Daylight Savings Time and I had this grand idea that I was going to use that extra hour every day to work out. HA! I did it the first day, but then today was the second day and I used it to sleep. Surprise, surprise. Whenever I've been faced with the decision between sleep and anything else I've chosen sleep 9 times out of 10. I just love sleep. I'm serious. I went to sleep at 8pm. (My body thought it was 9pm.) and I woke up at 6am (My body thought it was 7pm.) Ya sleep! As for the working out I was going to go tonight, but I came home starving so I ate and now I'm waiting while my food digests a bit and I hydrated so I'm waiting for that to run its course, but THEN it's off to the gym and THEN it's off to bed again for more sleep woo!!

0 applause for kateness:

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