'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Monday, January 31, 2011

You clear your head, You close your eyes, But something deep inside you cries, Let's go

Yay we have a snow day tomorrow!!!! I now have no idea what to do with myself! I just keep doing what I've been doing, but without guilt. (Enjoying some old school Good Charlotte and facebook stalking in bed) It's so nice. I was eating ice cream too, but I was really feeling like a bum and stopped. There were all these papers I was going to grade, but that can wait now! I was going to try to force myself asleep, but that can wait too!

Matt and I just got back from the 20/20 Vision conference and we definitely came back with stuff to think about. I always feel like I go to conferences and get moved with the force of a freight train, but come back home and only actually move about an inch from my old lifestyle and then over time eventually inch back. It makes me think, what's it gonna take??? I get all these emotions and feelings stirred, but it doesn't result in anything. I know we don't have to move for things to change although that sounds exciting. I know we don't have to lead a campus to make a difference, but that sounds kind of COOL. I know we don't have to plant a church to plant some seeds, but I think we should do something.

0 applause for kateness:

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