'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm standing on the bridge. I'm waiting in the dark. I thought that you'd be here by now.

Sad Illini loss going on right now. We all gave up on the game over here. It wasn't pretty.

I did not have much energy all day because Vincent kept me up all night punching, kicking, rolling, and who knows what else he was doing in there. He's not even here yet and he's keeping me up all night. Today was really the first day I think all pregnancy that I felt really uncomfortable. It's like Vincent went thru a growth spurt and my uterus didn't. Come on, Vincent!

I forgot to mention yesterday that somehow I burned 6 pieces of toast. Amazingly ridiculous, I know. It was like a toast horror movie. I kept forgetting about them in there and then would pop them up manually in panic and they kept coming up charred black. Today showed some improvement. I only burned 2, but really is that that much better since I had such a horrendous experience yesterday? You would think none would come even close to burned. That just goes to show pregnancy brain is a very real thing. The most dangerous thing I think I've done because of pregnancy brain is cook a pizza with the cardboard underneath it the whole time. Oops! At least it only happened once!

So today I ran some errands. Babies R Us for Vincent, Kroger for groceries....I hate how I feel like I'm grocery shopping every day! I'm so inefficient! I would blame pregnancy brain again, but I think I've always been that way. Today I really did need to go. We were out of toilet paper. But do you think that's all I got? Of course not!

The main thing I was looking forward to today was meeting Vincent's pediatrician. I had googled them, called, and made an appointment to meet her and get a tour of the office. I left for my 5 o'clock appointment at 4:30 even though I knew the office was really close to our house, or at least that's what I THOUGHT! Turns out the address listed online (the same place I got their phone number) was wrong and the building I showed up to was empty and for sale.......I was not pleased. I HATE being late for appointments. But then I remembered I had seen a place called Northside something or another on the same road and I thought maybe THAT was it so I drove to that, and would have been right on time IF that would have been the right place. Boo! 0 for 2. So then I went home and tried to call the office to apologize and explain, but I got a recording because it was after business hours. I felt better when I saw that yes indeed the wrong address came up when you google searched it, but then I clicked on a link that said "Contact," and there was a DIFFERENT address listed. So I went to that address even though I was now 40 minutes late. Aaaand the office was closed with no one there. The only thing more frustrating than being late for an appointment is not making it at all. VERY frustrating!
At least I'm 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant with only 11 days to go!! You hear that, Vincent? It's time to come out!!

1 applause for kateness:

Sara said...

Sorry you had a crappy non-appointment! That stinks... and 6 burnt pieces of toast, yikes!

I think I read somewhere that the last couple weeks of pregnancy you don't really sleep anyways, to get you ready for the first several weeks of newborn life when you don't sleep. But don't quote me on that. Hope today is better!

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