'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Just a day just an ordinary day. Just trying to get by.

I had a reaaally slow start today. I woke up and just didn't want to get out of bed, but I started to get really hungry, and then I had to pee, so I finally dragged myself out of bed. How am I going to go go go with Vincent all day when he keeps me up all night? AH! Still can't wait. :)

Then the weirdest thing came over me as I was eating breakfast. It was like I got a shot of OCD and everything out of place was glaring at me. I cleaned like a whirlwind for a couple hours. That doesn't sound long, but it was just weird because I wasn't planning on cleaning, but I couldn't stop. I kept trying to sit down and be done, but then I'd see something else. I kept getting lost in task after task. I think part of it is the Floradix I started taking. It's an all natural iron supplement. So the iron has been helping my energy stay up and I think it's been improving my mood. I also think I'm nesting, and I also think I was avoiding the gym. You know when you don't want to do something you can find a million other things to do that you normally wouldn't. Anyways, the house looks great. Aaaall ready for Vincent! ;)

But I did end up going to the gym. The same Asian lady was there which was kind of awkward because last time we kind of ended our conversation like we wouldn't see each other again. Oh well. We still said hello, exchanged pleasantries, and when I left she asked if I was feeling anything yet, (as in contractions) and unfortunately I had to answer no. I didn't end up going to the gym twice and am not sure if I will while pregnant because after my workout today my lower back started to hurt. I'm not sure if it's because of my belly or what, but it hurt like the time I slept in Rox's chair at a 90 degree angle and had to go see a chiropractor. Boo! Doesn't hurt now tho.

So tonight was a Biggest Loser night again! So while everybody else was watching football Matt and I were watching Loser. Sad to say our Jillian theory might be right. Someone else from her team went home again so her team is down to 2 and the other teams still have 5. I think they should have brought someone onto the show who almost made it this season to replace the girl who gave up before a whole week was even over. That spot was just a waste now and it could have been given to someone who really wanted/needed it, and it would have helped out Jillian. But does NBC ask me? Nooope!

I'm 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant with 13 days left til due date.

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