'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hold on if you feel like letting go. Hold on. It gets better than you know.

Well this morning didn't start off too successful. Matt and I got up and got ready, but missed the exit for church somehow and ended up getting there late. We were so late that there wasn't a parking spot or room to make our own. So we gave up and went to IHOP. 

After eating like a ton of food I had it in my mind that I would go to the gym twice, and I did go once! But there was this tiny little Asian woman there. She could not have weighed more than 100 pounds. I was so amazed at how teeny she was that I thought about asking her if I could take her picture to motivate me in my weight loss after pregnancy. Anyways, she asked me when I was due and all the normal questions and when I left she wished me luck, rubbed my belly, (weird, but true) and told me not too overdo it. Before she said that I was feeling really self conscious about how short of a time I was there and how low impact my workout was, so when she said that I instantly felt much better and decided maybe I wouldn't come back today, but maybe I'll do a double work out tomorrow. We'll see!

In other news, I resurrected my 10 year old Ipod today and figured out how to get the songs from the Ipod onto the computer. That might not sound like a big deal to you, but it was actually kind of complicated. Now I can put all those songs on a new Ipod, the only trick will be convincing Matt to let me get one. Having all my old songs to pump me up during my workout really made a difference! It was so much more enjoyable. I'm really excited now for the post pregnancy workouts when I can actually WORK OUT and get my heart rate up. I googled how high your heart rate should get when you are pregnant and working out and it said up to 140. That's pretty low impact. Pretty lame. But I think if you work yourself too hard you pump too much blood to other parts of your body and not enough to your uterus? Something like that. But I had to work out today. I just had to or else I would have felt so much regret while watching...

BIGGEST LOSER!!! The season premiere finally came tonight. I've missed it so much! Usually they have 2 seasons each year, but they took this fall off for some reason. So it's been a long time!! I wonder how many people actually watch the show. I feel like most don't, but then they have celebrities on all the time who say they are big fans. Also, I have 2 Biggest Loser shirts that I bought off NBC.com, and people stop me all the time and ask if I was on the show and what season I was on, and they seem really excited about it like they are meeting a celebrity so I feel like they must watch the show. Also, Jillian is back after being gone for 2 seasons so that is exciting. Although, they showed scenes from episodes yet to come and it looked like in one of the clips that Jillian only had one person and the other teams still looked pretty full so if that's the case I will feel bad for her.

I'm 38 weeks pregnant today!! That means 14 days to go til due date. I feel like I'm done being frustrated that Vincent hasn't come yet and am ready to be excited again? Because he has to come soon whether he likes it or not! Happy thoughts!

2 applause for kateness:

Laura said...

Hey kate is Laura. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! :) Mom just showed me love ya!

- Sissy

Unknown said...

I love your blog. 14 more days,I am sooo excited. Vincent is so lucky to be getting such a special Mommy!!! Love you! Mom

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