'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This must be it. Welcome to the new year.

I've decided to make 2 official New Year's resolutions even though it seems NO ONE makes them anymore. It's like a childish or naive thing to do, I know, but I love new beginnings. I love fresh starts. Naturally I'm a very "all or nothing" type person. I think that's why I'm drawn to New Year's resolutions, but I've burned myself out many many MANY times having an all or nothing mindset so I've learned to better recognize when I'm doing it, find the gray area, and enjoy spontaneity and variety. So! Since I've been consciously trying not to be all or nothing I normally would shy away from a New Year's resolution BUT I realized that having no resolution at all is kind of being "nothing," and I thought I had decided I didn't want that? Just because being all or nothing can be unhealthy doesn't mean I should not be committed to something. Commitment is a good thing, and it's something I feel like I've been lacking in my life. 

Anyways! My New Year's resolutions are 1.) journal every day in 2013 and 2.) go to the gym 100 times. I realize both of these are going to be extremely difficult with Vincent coming in a matter of weeks, but I have a plan. On days when I just can't journal (when I go into labor, when I'm in the hospital recovering, etc.) I have already made Matt promise to either write down a few things that I dictate or to take a ton of pictures that we can paste into my journal. Also, note that I said "journal" not blog soooo I will try to blog as much as I can but am not promising every day. Plus I figured that the days that I am too worn out to write will probably be the days I want to remember the most, so having this resolution will make it even more likely that we will have documentation of everything. My plan for going to the gym is not as complex. The plan is kind of built into the resolution. One hundred times means I can miss a day or a week or a month and it will all be okay. I even went today to get things kicked off. I love new beginnings.

So this is what happened today.

Matt and I went to Starbucks in the morning which we often do when we have mornings together. Today we went to Starbucks so he could use his new travel mug from my parents. The deal is that you can fill it up for free (just regular coffee) every day in January. Pretty cool! NEVER saw it advertised or anything, but that really is the deal. We sat and talked about how we can't believe Vincent is coming this month and I pretty much made Matt make a New Year's resolution with me. (He's also doing the gym one.)

When we got home we listened to a Hypnobabies CD together. That also took a lot of persuading to get Matt to listen to it with me, but I convinced him that he needed to know some of the techniques so he could remind me when I went into labor if I panicked or anything. (Hypnobabies is a program to help you manage your pain during labor and delivery by pretty much hypnotizing yourself.) So we got all comfy and started the track, and I thought I heard the whole thing, but Matt told me I started snoring like 3 minutes in. Oops! Guess I'll try that track again tomorrow. Although Hypnobabies says your subconscious still takes it in. I'm still gonna listen tomorrow just to be safe.

Later in the day I made charts for Matt and me to track our 100 trips to the gym. They are basically just 10 by 10 grids with the numbers 1-100 to mark off each time we go and a motivational picture and quote. Pinterest made making these quite enjoyable because there are tons of motivational pictures and quotes on there. My quote is, "Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction," and Matt didn't want to have a quote, just a picture, but I wanted him to have one so I chose, "Winners never quit and quitters never win," for his. So even after putting all the time and thought into making our charts it was STILL hard for me to go to the gym. I kept getting hungry which meant I had to take the time to make something...and then you don't want to go work out RIGHT after you eat...and I was having *ahem* digestion issues all day, but I finally convinced myself to go around 7:45pm. By then it was raining and dark, but our gym is in our neighborhood and since conditions weren't the best, no one else was there, which I liked.

I'm 37 weeks and 2 days today which means 19 more days til Vincent's due date. Come on, Vincent!

1 applause for kateness:

Unknown said...

So, I stole your calendar idea. I made one for myself with some motivational Pinterest pictures on it too. I'm doing a work out one and a word count one (to push myself to write more this year.) Thanks so much for the ideas! Good luck on your resolutions this year.

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