'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What I Love About Sundays

Waking up for church was hard this morning. There weren't a lot of ppl there. In fact, there were so few people there that they had ME be one of the communion ushers. I'm not sure why but that just seems like a desperate move to me. I did look good though. I was wearing a colorful print dress and a cute brown shrug that I searched all over town for. After church Beebs and I went to Olive Garden with Paul and Audrey. We only got soup, salad, and breadsticks because we were trying to save money, not go too crazy on the calories, and Beebs was craving the salad. I tried to be really careful not to stuff myself and today is the first day I regret not eating more. I love Olive Garden.

After lunch we went home and watched the Cubs get killed by the Reds which was enjoyable and yet predictable. Then I took Izzy for a walk, well I rode my bike and she ran. She got tired really fast and I didn't at all so we're gonna do that every day.

For dinner we made tacos. Unfortunately when I bought supplies I didn't read the seasoning and only bought half the amount we needed so part way thru making it I had to make a run to the store. It's ok tho cuz I also made some good discoveries: 2 kinds of really good chips and Chef Boyardee Whole Wheat Lasagna. After a very filling dinner we watched the Departed. The whole time I kept trying to imagine I was Kristin and I tried to imagine Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon as the same person and how I could rationalize that. I couldn't so good job! I really did like the movie. It was hard for me to keep up with what was going on, but Beebs had already seen it so he helped me as little as possible so as not to give anything away. Izzy watched the whole thing with us. We tried to keep her next to us on a cushion but she's so pushy. She ended up on top of us for the most part. That's my girl.

3 applause for kateness:

Anonymous said...

...but when you watched the movie that way, wasn't that the hardest you've ever thought during a movie?

Me said...

it definitely was!

Terri said...

enjoy reading your blog!

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