'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Friday, January 4, 2013

So take what you need and be on your way and stop crying your heart out

Made it thru the day without crying! Woo! But I was pretty angry most of the day. Pregnancy hormones!

It all started when I got to my OBGYN appointment really early. I don't know why I have a hard time judging the time it takes to get there. My appointment wasn't til 11:15, but I got there at 10:40. By the time I parked and checked in I got up to the office by 10:55 which was still way early. (You're supposed to be there 15 minutes before your appointment to CHECK IN!) So I do all their routine stuff with them like peeing in the cup, getting my blood pressure taken, answering routine questions, and they put me in a waiting room. I wait there til after 11:15. I go into my own room at about 11:20. I then wait there til 11:40. Twenty minutes may not seem like that long to you, or maybe it does, but it's a lot longer when you have your feet in the stirrups and and are undressed from the waist down. UGH. So the midwife finally comes in and doesn't apologize for being late or anything, but I don't act mad because I do like this midwife. She answered like 6 questions I had and wasn't quick to try to rush me out the door. I really like my OBGYN but he starts to inch toward the door after 3 questions so when I'm with him I narrow it down to my top 3 and just ask those. Anyways! Spoiler alert: Vincent is still really high. So probably no baby this week. I feel like I have kind of gone thru the stages of grief and have now accepted that he will either be on time or late. It's weird. My whole pregnancy I've been really excited as each day and week goes by. One day/week closer to my baby. But something happened when I hit week 36. It's like I was just done. I had it in my mind that Vincent had cooked long enough in there and that it was safe for him to come out so he better come out NOW. According to the chart in my room that I had plenty of time to look at I would have been set if I were a hippo. Their gestation period is 8 months. And while I may feel like a hippo, it's just not the case.

So that's all I'm going to share about my angry moments today. I also went grocery shopping again for things I forgot, made lunch for Matt, went to Whole Foods, and took Izzy to Petsmart. Unfortunately for Izzy, it was for her vaccinations.

Izzy pretty much had the worst day of her life. She got stuck up the butt twice, 3 shots, stuff sprayed in her nose, other stuff sprayed in her mouth, and something else happened behind closed doors that I didn't get to see, but I could hear her struggling. I felt so bad like Izzy must hate me now so I've been trying to love on her a lot and give her treats, but she seems back to her old self. We'll see if she ever gets in the car with me again tho. The best part about the experience was the vet assistant. I think she was an angel sent by God. She asked me about my due date and whether it was a boy or girl like everyone asks then she looked me up and down and said, "You're like perfect, you know? Have other people told you that?" And she kind of gestured at my belly. I tried to be all cool and said, "Oh a few people," but I wanted to say, "Dude, you just made my life!!"

I wonder if her nice comment can carry me the rest of the way thru this pregnancy. Maybe it will if no one else throws in a totally insensitive one again. I've had two so far. Someone told me that they could only tell I was pregnant in my belly and my legs were a little bigger. (Each leg was deeply hurt and offended.) And someone else asked me, "How's the fat lady doing today?" It was a complete accident, a slip of the tongue, but the damage was indelible. So just prepare yourself if you've never been pregnant...PEOPLE ARE MEAN! Not all people, but it only takes one. It's like a few stupid people observe that everyone else is telling this woman what they think of her appearance so they think they can. What they don't realize is that everyone else is being super nice, and they are being super stupid. And when you're pregnant you're so much more vulnerable. Your hormones are going at 90 miles and hour and you're gonna gain weight, you just are. Here's the breakdown:
  • Baby: 7-8 pounds
  • Placenta: 1-2 pounds
  • Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
  • Uterus: 2 pounds
  • Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
  • Maternal blood : 4 pounds
  • Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
  • Maternal fat and nutrient stores: 7 pounds
That's 29 lbs AT LEAST. Imagine yourself with 29 more lbs on you. That's pregnancy. And before I got pregnant I NEVER KNEW THIS. Imagine my surprise. I just thought you gained whatever the baby weighed and maybe like 5 other lbs and the people who gained more just overindulged. Wow! How naive I was!

And in the olden days when I wasn't pregnant if anyone ever would have even slightly alluded to the fact that they thought I was fat or even gaining a little weight I would have responded by starving myself, going on a crazy crash diet or killing myself in the gym, but you think you can do that when you're pregnant?! Nope.

Anyways! What a long tangent. Right after Izzy and I got home from Petsmart Matt and I hopped in the car to go to Olive Garden with a friend of his from work and his wife. It was a lot of fun and of course very delicious. And anyone who no longer feels sorry for me being called fat because I immediately put next that I went to Olive Garden...JUST BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT I CAN'T GO TO OLIVE GARDEN!?!?? Think about how unfair that logic is.

I am 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant with 16 more days to go til due date.

2 applause for kateness:

Sara said...

I am loving reading your ramblings friend! You are so beautiful. And I went to Olive Garden Wednesday and I am absolutely not pregnant. Or fat. Normal people go to Olive Garden. :) Miss you!

Unknown said...

Those insensitive people are crazy. I keep telling everyone that you are the most gorgeous pregnant woman I have ever seen. You are also going to devastate my if I ever have kids because I know I will never look anywhere as good as you do when I am pregnant. My family tends to swell...everywhere, when they are pregnant.

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