'bout the way I love you. Sure is fancy how you love me.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wherever you are, whenever it's right you'll come out of nowhere and into my life

Sweet and Spicy Caramelized Onion & BBQ Grilled Cheese~ 8 slices challah bread  4 slices sharp cheddar  4 slices pepper jack or other spicy cheese  1 large red onion, thinly sliced  3 Tbsp butter  2-4 Tbsp BBQ sauce, depending on how much you love BBQToday was a much better day. I slept in really late...like 11ish and got all my crying out by noon. It was kind of pregnancy related, but kind of other stuff too. Can't wait for these pregnancy hormones to subside. I got to the gym by 3:30 which was part of why I think my mood was better overall today. After the gym I went to the UPS store to finally mail the scarves and slippers. By the way, I HATE mailing things. It's like a control thing. I feel like I'm just throwing my money I spend on postage and the actual thing I'm trying to mail down a black hole. I'd much rather drive the thing to its destination myself or just wait til I see that person next, but neither would be efficient enough so I just put on my big girl pants and mailed the presents. I also went grocery shopping which was long overdue. We now have ingredients for a spinach salad which I really don't want to eat, but it's the healthiest thing I could think of for Vincent and ingredients for this sandwich I found on Pinterest. And surprise, surprise we had the sandwich tonight. It was soooo good! I could eat another right now.

I'm 37 weeks and 4 days with 17 more to go til due date.

P.S. Our milk expires two days before Vincent's due date! We'll probably drink it in a day or two, but that means by the time I go back to buy more milk THAT milk will probably expire on or after Vincent's due date! That's how you KNOW what you're looking forward to really is close. Come on Vincent!

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